This is a digital file ONLY & nothing will be shipped to you. If forever reason you're having site issues or cannot fit all of your information in the note section during checkout, please email your info to after purchase.
- Current turn around is 72 hours.
- Rush is 24 hours.
- Same day is same day, as long as the order is in before 3pm eastern time (11am Saturdays) and approved by 4pm (12pm Saturdays).
- All return times exclude sundays & U.S. Holidays as we are not in the office then.
- Hours 7am-4pm eastern Mon-Fri, 7am-12pm Sat
Girls Floral Grad Decor
-Former Education:
-Achievements (2-4):
-HS Job (1):
-Future College:
-4 categories for right column:
-*Answers must be equivalent in size to sample or custom fees apply.
See below for extra customization fee explanationCUSTOM REQUESTS
- To change colors, add/change/request graphics, or go over limitations (within reason) add to cart as custom.
- To change two of these add as double custom.
- To change a significant amount message with full details for a custom price quote.