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Once Upon a Time Bday
Select Style & Write following in notes to seller:
Childs name & age:
6-8 Likes/loves of the child:
2-4 favorite foods:
Height, Weight & Teeth (may substitute these for older children):
Date of birth & Stats:
4-6 favorite things:
1-3 nicknames:
4 favorite things for bottom right corner:
4-6 facts for center box:
1 category with 3 short answers (shown as "says" in sample):

To change colors, add/alter graphics, add over above limitations select custom when adding to cart. Select double custom for more than one of these changes.

Once Upon a Time Bday

  • Details

    Sizes: 11x14, 11x17, 16x20 or 20x30
    Custom Request for other sizes.

    ID# BRDPRI02

    NOTE: This is for a digital file ONLY, nothing will be shipped to you.
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